Thursday, October 14, 2010

UFO New York

New Yorkers certainly are a savvy bunch, Which is why it's Surprise That there is a lot of chatter on Twitter right now about an Alleged UFO sighting in the city. While there's been no documentation, it hasn't stopped Thousands of twitterer from postulates. This site claims all the hooplah in reference to a retired general NORAD Predict a UFO visit on October 13, 2010.
Retired Air Force Officer Stanley A. Fulham released the third edition of His 352-page book, Challenges of Change, That Which suggests there on October 13 Will Be 'display a massive UFO over the world's principal cities. ""It's been hovering there for a while. Child or I'm just baffled," said Joseph Torres, 49, or Dykers Heights, Brooklyn, who spotted the object, after leaving a movie. "How Can it be ordinary? There is something going on."Despite clear skies, it was not easy to make out the tiny object shimmering overhead ..
The Federal Aviation Administration said it Received Several calls to ITS operations center but after reviewing radar data, the agency Could not find anything out of the ordinary .. "Nothing That Would we can account for this child or prompt response," he said.

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