Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jean Charles Skarbowsky

Earlier on TUF, and Alex Caceres stayed at home running his mouth, so Sevak heard enough. Koscheck focused team in desperate need to win, and the strategy and put all their hopes on Andy Home, which was filed at the end of the day before and veteran Kyle Watson. Koscheck team can work together or withdrawal of the GSP team will continue to dominate?To start the show, Kos talks about how he took advantage of the perks of being on the show - learning coaches and in particular, coach Chuck Liddell. To help players, and he brings John Fitch for a visit in hopes of inspiration. Fitch is impressed by the attitude of men and their willingness to learn. You can not coach people think they know everything.And ends with the training they sing, and hard work. "Bearing fruit".Weather in the House, Mike laundry as Alex was to decide how he was going to formulate a more mischief. Unfortunately, Alex is a joke not achieving the desired objective (NAM), but some of the nails Mike place. Alex was replaced with bleach disinfectant substance Nam ... Mike, who was just in the washing machine with dark it was! Men who are concerned about the growing joked Alex ...SAP coach brings a special guest from France to help the men. He warns them that this basis could be the best experience of their lives - or worse. Jean-Charles Skarbowsky, a former Thai boxing champion live his life in his own way. Despite being a heavy smoker and drinker, it is known that he still has to be taken literally than the opponents.Everyone gets in the ring with Skarbowsky, and each of them easily put on the ground.He was drunk!Alex is running the mouth. Weather. Even his colleagues and patients.Finally, we turn to the selection of the GSP for the next fight. Spencer chose to Big Van Nam. According to Coach Danaher, Paige is one of the fighters and calls for more skill to win - if he can keep permanently. Kos does not want to jinx him, but he was very happy with the competition and high expectations for the van.After items, Nam discusses system training. Running for one hour, every day, so many of the other fighters stunned and confused. But that was shocked when he slept, which is not gas after 2 rounds? Maybe you can learn a thing or two from him.How far it feels like the GSP, Paige is one of the fighters, better and more customized training on the SAP team. It is good to hit its interests. But of course, feel the pressure Beige keep the line going to win.Kos also a team in the gym, and the exchange of Cody Kos criticized for a couple, so Kos scratching his head. Cody is certainly an odd duck.Rose talks about the perception people have of him - misconceptions. He does not look like a typical fighter, and people generally think it's just some student. Keep this and wants to use to his advantage. The practice comes to an end, Chuck Liddell will walk in and each of the men, the star of the hit. This is only after losing to Rich Franklin, but the team feel thanks to its presence. Sevak asked for only an opinion. He cooks it simple: Love what you do. It is best to do this because they love it. His decision not to hang and retirement. Although of course the jokes that maybe only one remained in the struggle rather than Tito.In weight-ins, Kos is trying to make fun of the GSP, are provided for MMA and then right to leave if he kissed. However, the GSP is not smart to play in this game.Regarding the war, and was impressed with Dana to rise too high. However, it appears that Van is a well rounded, with a decent hit. It should be fairly even fight. Kos makes a visit to the GSP, and the group tries again to catch. Cody comes to defending the GSP, which the GSP, which surprisingly is a grown man and has no defense haunts.Fighting TodayRound 1Great instantly from the big body kick. Beige is much more aggressive, although some are checked on his shots. Beige solid landing, the stairs. Finally, the counters with the right large boulders. Large area a couple of nice shots, but it is not selective in what poses. The support of Big up, despite the few shots, the country itself. This was followed by a few nice jabs from Big pen body and leg. Big shots are landing, 3:01, and much more. Finally, to hard jabs to support the couple beige country. Big spinning kick misses. Beige to lose balance a bit after a nice kick to the body of the van. Good groups of beige. One of the catch and Paige Paige kicks and throws on the back. Of rain in a few jumps and punches that are missing from the top. Page and cover-up, but not allowing him. Paige tries to pay off, but many of the stamps is to get through. Of getting to the end, Page and control side. Of attempting to circumvent to stand between the north and south and looking for the arm as a beige round ends.Round 2Beige is the first one hit with several vaccines, but counters with a body kick. Again, the back stairs and Page and get him to the corner. The land some solid shots clearly hurt Paige. Large Back spinning kick attempts hardly wounds. Paige shots and looking weak and careless. The couple with a powerful body shots. Large turning kick with another that sets him off balance and falls is. Immediately a backup. After a brief exchange, and the same happens. But this time it is not possible in Big and tries to take his hands and feet off the ground. Impact of just him out there, and Big realize they can not do much. Return to where they are again trying to kick Beige spinning and spinning backfist - both fail. Beige is starting to look angry. Nice combo van. Big kick of the head, but most of them are checked. Paige, and stop spinning kicks! The round ends with a lot of nothing.Winner: Van Nam through the resolutionSpencer was certainly win in the first round ... Until perhaps the last. And then fell apart around the time she caught the kick Nam. Spencer says he broke his hand at some point (I think that explains all this punishment).Kos team and eventually get the win, the boys go ape shit. Hey, at least not Kos Go to 0-7 this season. In the beginning, is addressed only to brag and Kos in the generalized system of preferences, which may take. But, as the presence of Spencer checked out his hand, a team with Kos banging on the walls, rubbing in the victory. Spencer just stopped the head.

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