Thursday, October 14, 2010


Unfortunately for one addicted to the crazy mid-term elections, tonight discussed between the Senate and the State of Delaware, Chris O'Donnell Chris Coons candidates a clear and significant. Except, that is, one of the wrinkles, which came after a request from Supervisor Nancy O'Donnell Karibjanian on waste re financial well documented.
Coons said when the time came to speak, it is clear that he believed the issue of Karibjanian was unrelated to the discussion. "Well, Nancy, and I honestly believe we should go in this debate this evening and that is not in the campaign's personal financial difficulties or major issues, but in fact on the issues that face us," he said. "There was much debate in the national media about what my opponent said or done and frankly I think the attention away from the core issues that Delawarians questions."
That's when O'Donnell interrupted: "You're just jealous that you're not on Saturday Night Live," she said with a laugh.

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