Saturday, October 2, 2010

Free Solar Workshop | Silver Spring, MD

Learn more about solar energy ... Global Solar Energy, a member of Coworking Greenavise, and the free workshop covers the basics of why solar energy is the smart choice for homeowners. Current financial incentives should not involve 40-60% of the cost. And solar energy show the world how it works solar energy in the local climate, identify available solar energy technologies and financial incentives, and discuss how to choose a contractor.
Participants get away with basic knowledge about solar energy systems and will be ready to do more research focused on their own, or work with the contractor immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Here's how to cut your power bill by 75%:

    Want to know how to easily produce all of the green energy you could ever want right at home?

    And you’ll be able to make your home totally immune from power outages, blackouts, and energy grid failures
    so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power…you won’t.

